There is something so satisfying when you plant, baby and coerce a flower bed to bloom. I have been tending my hydrangea’s for several years and I can finally see that all of my hard work has paid off.
That’s how I feel about my writing. There’s something about starting with a blank page and after months of developing characters, plots and angst, I come out on the other end with a book. There’s so much in between the blank page and the finished product, but when I come to the end and see what I accomplished…it just makes me happy! Much like looking at my hydrangea’s!
Which leads me to the reason for my post. The fourth book in my Out of the Darkness Series is just about done! I’m hoping to be in the editing phase by the middle of August and to have the book in your hands in October. My Only Chance is the story of Travis and Callie and one that I was so excited to write!
I hope that you all enjoy what’s left of your summer. Be safe and take time to enjoy friends and family! It’s what’s most important in life!