Happy New Year! I can’t believe that another year is upon us!
I hope that your Christmas was filled with love and that you all were surrounded by the warmth of family. For the first year ever I had my parents in my own home to enjoy the holidays (typically I travel back to Ohio). Having them here meant so much to me! It was hard taking them back to the airport.
2017 brought many difficult but necessary changes to my life. My husband closed his business and went back to work for his old company. I miss not having him with me during the days but he seems happier with the stress off his shoulders. Our youngest son moved out on his own so we have an empty nest. I know we raise our children to become independent people, and while I know it was for the best, I miss him terribly! Our oldest (my step-son) and his wonderful wife are about to give us our first grandchild in February. Such exciting times!
I know that what you all most care about—and the question I am frequently asked—is when is the next book coming out? I’m pleased to report that book five in my Out of the Darkness Series is already well under way. There are a total of six books slated for the series and the remaining two will be completed this year. When I get a better idea of the release dates I’ll update my website immediately!
Thank you all of your support and encouragement during this past year, it has truly meant the world to me. I love hearing from all of you so keep up the e-mails and stay tuned for my next update!
I hope that 2018 brings all of you much happiness and joy!