I can’t believe that fall is already well on its way. Where does the time go?
I, personally, have been working diligently on all things “author” related, squeezing family commitments in as often as possible. Between attending RWA meetings, taking part in webinar’s with other authors and doing submissions for writing competitions it’s been a crazy few months!
Several of you have sent me a note asking about the next novel in my Out of the Darkness Series. I’m proud to let you know that I have the manuscript nearly finished. I’m hoping to have my personal edits completed and it passed on to my beta reader then my editor in quick fashion. It means so much that you all are asking about the next novel. I get so excited when I hear from you that you’re looking for it. I won’t let you down!
I’ll do another post as things progress so you’ll know when to expect it!
Stay tuned….