Rough life, huh?
As a writer, I find that if I’m not truly focused, I can easily get sucked into the whirling vortex of social media and before you know it I’ve lost hours of my life that I can never get back. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is more important to post a Blog if I have something important to share. Quite frankly I think you all could care less, nor do you have time to read funny little stories about my cats (see picture in case I’m mistaken since they are incredibly cute) or what I fixed my family for dinner the other night. So when you see a new Blog pop up, know that it’s because I have something that I think you all might want to know. So here it goes…
The second book in my Out of The Darkness Series is finished! Always You is now in the editing phase and while I don’t have a publication date yet, I will let you know as I get that information. I’m shooting for mid-spring but it depends on how much editing is required.
I am also very excited to let you know that on April 16th I will be doing an interview with the local Franklin television station. When I know the air date I’ll post it for those of you who live in the area. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have this opportunity to talk about my new series!
So that’s my news…quick and painless…or at least I thought it was. Stay tuned for any updates on both publication and air dates. As always, thanks for taking the time to read my novels and for all of you who continue to reach out to me in support…thank you!! It means the world to me!
Stay well!!