I’m proud to announce the upcoming release of my next book, ‘A Reason to Dream’ which will be Book One of the Sisters of my Heart Trilogy. Please sign up for my newsletter to get notified of the release date, and check back here for more info on how you can purchase the book this summer.
Here is the back cover of the book as a sneak peek!
A Reason to Dream – Sisters of my Heart Trilogy: Book One
Brenna Harris was a nurturer at heart. Having lost her sister at a young age, renna Harris was a nurturer at heart. Having lost her sister at a young age,
then having to watch her parents’ marriage fall apart, she quickly learned hen having to watch her parents’ marriage fall apart, she quickly learned
that it was up to her to take on the responsibility to care for and protect the hat it was up to her to take on the responsibility to care for and protect the
people around her. eople around her.
Grant Warner preferred a solitary existence. As a police detective, he often rant Warner preferred a solitary existence. As a police detective, he often
found himself sitting in his car watching a suspect or going under cover ound himself sitting in his car watching a suspect or going under cover
with only himself as company. After the falling out he had with his family, ith only himself as company. After the falling out he had with his family,
the solitude suited him. He didn’t need, nor did he want the responsibility he solitude suited him. He didn’t need, nor did he want the responsibility
of having to make anyone else happy. f having to make anyone else happy.
Th en one fateful day, while working undercover to solve a murder case, en one fateful day, while working undercover to solve a murder case,
Grant watched helplessly as a beautiful stranger stepped forward to protect rant watched helplessly as a beautiful stranger stepped forward to protect
him, putting her own life at risk. From that moment on, their lives became im, putting her own life at risk. From that moment on, their lives became
inherently entwined. nherently entwined.
As Grant works with his department to help solve a series of murders, he s Grant works with his department to help solve a series of murders, he
fi ghts equally hard against his attraction to Brenna. When she comes under ghts equally hard against his attraction to Brenna. When she comes under
threat from some unknown assailant, he has no choice but to step in to hreat from some unknown assailant, he has no choice but to step in to
protect her. As much as he wants her safe, being with her goes against the rotect her. As much as he wants her safe, being with her goes against the
self-imposed, singular existence that he prefers. elf-imposed, singular existence that he prefers.
Can Brenna show Grant that a life with her is worth the risk? Will Grant an Brenna show Grant that a life with her is worth the risk? Will Grant
allow her in or will he walk away from her like he did his own family? llow her in or will he walk away from her like he did his own family?